
Racing Kings Championship

go-ahead doesnt respond to my messages in order to arrange our game but as i can see there are a lot of games from previous round to be played
Let’s see: I default minipekka , then default Toivok, making @ezasucanget the winner.
@airprint give him until December 27 to arrange the match. If he doesn’t do anything,
Then you are automatically the winner of the round.
The third round is a candidate round? ( every body play every body? ) and when should this round start?@Grainiac
I think round 3 will be very interesting and we will see a lot of fire and exiting moments, because there is really a great players there , grianiac the tricky, chess Apple the theorist ,ilaaaaaaares The awesome who defeated javi0111 and shocked me, alvarochess99 the patient and hard working, a47( I think he will be in round three) the creative and really have a great knowledge of a lot of lines, sachmaty8 ( I think he will be also) the super solid, but the problem that there is no hipno ..Why hipno nooooo
But you know what , hipno not here is good for me because I never deafeted him before Hahaha, hipno is my worst nightmare ever , very hard time when playing him more than any player ever
He really hypnotizes you to play blunder moves! :-)@E101
I have been a victim to his tricks many times! :)
go-ahead didnt respond to any message .his last login was two weeks.if anyone can contact him i would apreciate it
we just played and i won 6-1 . actually we played one game and after the second game he informed me he wont continue to the tournament and he just resinged to the remaining games

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