
Simultaneous exhibition with Anish Giri
As most of you will know, on 29.06.2023, Anish Giri visited our the Hague office to give a "hybrid" simultaneous exhibition (both online and over-the-board). The final score was 43.5-0.5. The online part (Anish vs. Munich / Berlin) is available for replay here:
As you can see, the only draw was made by "fkala". Congratulations to him and to Anish for these impressive results. I wrote a more detailed report with some pictures as well. If you'd like to receive it, contact me and I will forward it to you.

Anish will go on to play the Dutch championship, a tournament he has not played since 2015. This time, to honour the 150 year jubilee of the Royal Dutch Chess Federation (KNSB), both he and Dutch #2 Jorden van Foreest will play. Together with defending champion Erwin l'Ami, these players were directly seeded into round 2 of the knock-out event.
That means that the tournament starts for Anish tomorrow. You can follow all the action here:
There is a livestream with commentary (in Dutch) here:
Fun fact: no less than 3 players of the 8 remaining, going into the second round, live in Groningen.
In chess, as in life, this city lives up to its motto: "Er gaat niets boven Groningen!"

Truly, the capital of Dutch chess, and also the hometown of yours truly. ;-)

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