
3+2 Crazyhouse World Championship 2020 - Registration, Tournament Structure and Prizes

Entries so far....

1 JannLee
2 FischyVishy
3 DefeatChampion88
4 CrazyHome
5 emrty
6 okei
7 GingerbreadMan17
8 MarcTheSpark
9 the_Crocodile_Hunter
11 Karagialis
12 the-lone-wolf
13 gbtami
14 Deadban
15 TheBayArea
16 mathace
17 fedinar
18 inge_2018
19 Bugzilla
20 LegionDestroyer
21 JohnStuckey
22 azuaga
23 kostasvl
24 okei
25 VariantsOnly
26 IgorBugMate
27 Sinamon73
28 metin48
29 Marlonc
30 andre_casanova
31 recastrov
32 blunderman1
33 grogers
34 AcademicNinja99
35 medved9112
36 Kingswitcher
37 Sleipnir1216
38 PawnInTraining
39 szura
40 Samurai_Sri_Lanka
41 pknm
42 TcubesAK
43 Chijss
@GingerbreadMan17 , thanks for pointing that out. Cleaned up and added from the other thread too...

1 - AcademicNinja99
2 - andre_casanova
3 - azuaga
4 - blunderman1
5 - BraveHorsey
6 - Chijss
7 - CrazyHome
8 - Deadban
9 - DefeatChampion88
10 - Dieblauesau
11 - emrty
12 - Ensemo
13 - exMOHAX
14 - fedinar
15 - FischyVishy
16 - gbtami
17 - GingerbreadMan17
18 - grogers
19 - IgorBugMate
20 - Bugzilla
21 - inge_2018
22 - JannLee
23 - JohnStuckey
24 - Josonic
25 - Karagialis
26 - Katoh1
27 - Keremyagiz
28 - Kingswitcher
29 - kostasvl
30 - kramka
31 - LegionDestroyer
32 - lucaschaakt
33 - Marlonc
34 - mathace
35 - medved9112
36 - metin48
37 - MarcTheSpark
38 - okei
39 - PawnInTraining
40 - PhantomTroupe
41 - pknm
42 - PRoMetheUS01
43 - recastrov
44 - Samurai_Sri_Lanka
45 - Sinamon73
46 - Sleipnir1216
47 - szura
48 - TcubesAK
49 - the_Crocodile_Hunter
50 - TheBayArea
51 - Thedarkaffliction
52 - the-lone-wolf
53 - VariantsOnly
54 - vegakov

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