
Minter Mid championship Information

Everyone who signed up pls join this Tournament: (not made yet)

is 1:00pm England Time ok for everyone who signed up?

pls say 'yes' if it is. If not, I will change
no it will be 5 am it will be v. hard to organize there will be people from like 5 time zones
ok, then instead of Tournament. I am going to pair up all of you.
INfo: (read this before seeing the pairing at the bottom of this post.

NOte: all games are to played in 3+0 blitz time control. 1 game and one of the players from EACH GAME pls send the link to the game and type the score in the same post your link is in.

Remember: Win: 2 points, a draw: 1 point, a loss: 0 points.
Remember there is always bonus points based on how you played. It is possible to get bonus points even if you lose a game.
there is a maximum of 10 bonus points PER GAME.

NOte: any closed accounts or violated accounts after being paired will be a automatic win for the opponent and and the other opponent will be kicked out of the competition.

here are the pairings:

Alekhine_Alexander vs RedDrangon21

anonymblaameis vs EnormousZebra

Nimvekatesan vs TravelledKnight

Bhargava109 vs NunthaA

one thing: the title should have a 'w' at the start not a 'm'

I will update the leader board daily in this very forum.

good luck and have fun!
Regards, NunthaA
@IvebeatKasprov said in #7:
> Thanks
> And good luck
> Cause I will will

pls do not post in this forum, u did not sign up and I have told you once.

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