
when gonna start the next wc antichess

oh right, my original idea was to make it start in the end of September, so to give time to the uni students (like me) to finish eventual exams (since September is usually exams period).
Then it also depended on how many players would join and how fast. I am going to give a specific starting date soon.
What no? @pepsingaming mentioned that they don't want someone to win from the fact that they are fast movers. They want the winner to be a player whom understands the concept of antichess. To be honest, 2+5 is a perfect time control for the world cup. This prevents all of those 2200+ rated players who only gain their rating by being a very fast player.
Although I personally like fast games, I agree it should be a longer time control so it is not just a competition of speed or memorization. However, 2+5 is also way too long! This is why I believe it should be something more in between like the already commonly used tournament TC's of 3+0 (Daily), 5+0 (Monthly), or 3+2 (Shield).

Unlike regular chess there tends to be an exponentially smaller number of moves to chose from and many more forced moves. Because of this anti has been solved for e3 (and many other openings) as a white win. With 2+5 I'd be more concerned about cheaters/players using engines.

Secondly, also unlike regular chess nobody (at least none of the regular or top rated players) ever plays anti with a time control this long. This makes ability in 2+5 essentially an irrelevant metric. Why not use a more popular time control to decide the world cup champion?

For these reasons I think 3+0, 3+2, or 5+0 (time controls which I already consider to be long), would be a much fairer compromise. You really don't need 2 minutes +5 seconds per turn in anti if you understand basic anti theory.

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