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641 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - "Chess Gentlemen"#5

When I was young (and dinosaurs ruled, etc) such people were the norm. Some club members went out of their way to be welcoming and helpful to new club members and beginning players in particular. I re…

General Chess Discussion - Recommendations against Caro-Kann Two Knights Attack.#4

1.e4 c6 2.Nc3 d5 3.Nf3 Bg4 has a fine pedigree. I used to pay the gambit line 4.d4?!, which is fun enough if black accepts, but is pretty dreary after 4...e6 idea ...Bb4 and c5

Off-Topic Discussion - Your favourite quote#23

I used to write these things down on the covers on my chess notebooks. Long after I've given up on studying my own games for weaknesses I can correct, I still like to see what I was reading and thinki…

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you have siblings? How are they like?#20

I have one younger brother. He's a wonderful person, generous and caring to a fault. He's bailed me out of trouble more often than I care to admit. But he and I vehemently disagree about certain thing…

Off-Topic Discussion - Two questions to atheists#4

Sure, I believe in the gods. Lots of them. Which did you have in mind?

General Chess Discussion - lately MVL has been spending whole day on lichess solving puzzles, any ideas why?#10

quite possibly he was using it as a decoy. He wasn't really working hard at solving near-impossible puzzles, but reading a paper chess book and moving pieces on a real board, and only solving enough p…

General Chess Discussion - To verify one's potential to become a master: an effective test#2

I believe A De Groot tried something like this, a long time ago. When he tested people's immediate recognition and memory of positions from actual games, masters and grandmasters outperformed amateurs…

General Chess Discussion - How to play for a win in the French Eliskases variation?#6

I wonder how they come up with names for these openings. I've always heard of this as the modern Tarrasch variation (as opposed to the classical Tarrasch, i guess). 8.Qe2 hasn't been played very often…

General Chess Discussion - Levy in Madrid#16

well Madrid is done and in the books. Rozman didn't get a GM norm, but he made a respectable showing and came clear second. He didn't impress the way a GM would, but he certainly punched above his wei…

Game analysis - What is this game?? And draw was offered by my opponent?#4

wouldn't say crazy, so much as some rather inexplicable moves. As white I wouldn't have offered a draw, I would have plonked the N into f5 and kept up the pressure. The draw was probably because of an…
