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7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why is this a blunder?#6

Actually now I see the explanation ”lost a forced checkmate...” which may mean that there was a little faster way to mate by Kd5. Still, to call this a blunder does sound too much

General Chess Discussion - Why is this a blunder?#5

Hah, didn’t think about that:

General Chess Discussion - Why is this a blunder?#3

@SarKarlsen17 said in #2: > Show the position correctly Sorry, I don’t see an option to upload image. But I thought it was quite simple since there is only one pawn besides the kings

General Chess Discussion - Why is this a blunder?#1

White king in g8, my king in c6 and I forward my pawn from a4 to a3. Analysis marks it as a blunder and suggests I should have moved my king to d5. Doesn’t this just delay the promotion when there is …

Lichess Feedback - Displaying variations in analysis#1

Would be nice if one could click the mark of a mistake etc to see the suggested line without loosing the sight to the graph. Sure in the first tab you see the numerical value of the every move but hav…

Lichess Feedback - Pgn variations on ios app#1

Hi, Since it’s possible to make variations with the analysis tool, it would be great if there was an option to include them when exporting the pgn. Now they just dissappear and only the main line is i…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion for the ”Learn from your mistakes”- section#1

Hi, Would be nice if there were possible continuations shown like in the analysis.
