
Search "user:schakeric1"

5 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - The Myth About Chess Tactics and Solving Chess Puzzles#18

Good article!

Lichess Feedback - Moves are unsound marked as inaccuracies in analysis#1

Hi, The Study tool is of great value, however I've noticed a defect which occurs on a regular base. After having analyzed the game via the engine valid opening moves are marked as "inaccuracies", for …

Lichess Feedback - Loss after a disconnect and a quick reconnect#1

Hi, This afternoon my browser has crashed so I've had to start it up again. This took a few seconds but the game was marked as a loss after a few moves in the opening. This has cost me 31 rating poins…

Lichess Feedback - Build up and maintain your own opening repertoire#1

Hi, Lichess has a nice tool to check openings from a book. However, this is very common. I'm not an opening expert but I rather learn opening themes from books and I prefer playing moves which are in …

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: pin rating to clock setting#1

Hi, Usually I play on several clock settings, such as 15+5 and 45+0. These are my favourite, however, when playing 45+0 I play considerably better. Both are classic ratings, is it possible to add a fe…
