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5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Option to abort the game when opponent leaves the match#10

@Brian-E said in #9: > Okay, I hadn't noticed that an aborted game disappeared from the games list. So "make the game unrated" is good. My initial idea is this. Thanks for the comments.

Lichess Feedback - Option to abort the game when opponent leaves the match#8

@Brian-E said in #5: > Is this objection any stronger for the proposed ability to abort the game than it is for the existing ability to call a draw? > > > > Certainly interesting! And a big headache f…

Lichess Feedback - Option to abort the game when opponent leaves the match#7

@Toadofsky said in #4: > What happens if an opponent thinks they are lost and unplugs their router, but you think their position is better? I don't foresee Lichess adding an ability to abort a game, a…

Lichess Feedback - Option to abort the game when opponent leaves the match#3

Today there is already moral risk. Today I may have lost the match and my opponent has disconnected, I have the option of claiming victory. I think the option to abort is interesting, if I realize tha…

Lichess Feedback - Option to abort the game when opponent leaves the match#1

When my opponent leaves the match due to disconnection, I have the option of claiming victory or a draw. It would be interesting to have the option to abort the game. Most of the time the game is with…
