
Search "user:remos_edm"

8 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Who's your bestie!#33

hiii and thanks for listing me as a bff :D <3 @LeonFalcon20 said in #19: > Thx so much @Marc0_2nd_acc and @INCOGNITO18 <3 > My Best friends are: > @INCOGNITO18 > @Marc0_2nd_acc > @TheGoldenSword > @re…

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General Chess Discussion - whats the best opening#26

Nevada defense (I made it :D) (standard) 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3/e3 b5 (3. Nc3/Bf4 e6 prepping Be7) etc and prepare to castle and push queenside for any activity
