
Search "user:razorknight"

3 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Premove tricks in bullet#8

Not arguing that I made a mistake, we played a few games he noticed my premoves he took advantage of it. I think that's very impolite. It is in fact a bad strategy but in a 1v1 where your opponent pic…

General Chess Discussion - Premove tricks in bullet#5

1,674 games and only one person has went Bh3 on move 2 to counter my g3 Bg2 opening premoves. So this is a very common and curtious thing to do to everyone else leaving a comment here? Losing is frust…

General Chess Discussion - Premove tricks in bullet#1

So I was just premove tricked in the opening after many games on this site for the first time. I premove most of my opening moves and many of my opponents realize this and do the same. I consider it v…
