
Search "user:prettytrash1234"

17 forum posts
Game analysis - how to improve at strategy?#1

99% of the times I end up in a (computer) won position after the opening but constantly I throw pretty bad. As example here I got a won position not once but twice but…

General Chess Discussion - Avoid QGD in English opening for OTB match#27

I do play the qgc exchange with bg5 and f3 as written few posts before and I would have no issues going for that with a lower rated player. I guess there is really no way to avoid it. He does not real…

General Chess Discussion - Avoid QGD in English opening for OTB match#15

@Le_Patzer83 I don't think he will play a benko but want to avoid having to go for queen pawn positions because he plays 1d4 as white (I think I forgot to write it in the main post). @FurthestThing th…

General Chess Discussion - Avoid QGD in English opening for OTB match#12

@Le_Patzer83 I am doing tactics (2100-2300 on lichess) and I study endgames regularly, I am not trying to learn a whole line just some way to avoid specific openings. have a good feeling on d4 positio…

General Chess Discussion - Avoid QGD in English opening for OTB match#1

I will have a OTB team match (120 min) in few weeks and I will play a higher rated opponent (1700 USCF, while I am 1400 USCF). While looking at games of this player, he prefers to play French vs e4 QG…

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish has no idea about this position#1

Here I am playing a really close position from a queen's indian/English. Stockfish at move 15 evaluates at 3.7 with several best moves. I then play what I had in mind Kd2 with the idea of moving the k…

Lichess Feedback - Feature: playing opponent from position#1

I am now studying more and more endgames and I think would be really nice to be able to play an opponent from a fixed position regardless of endgame or similar. I understand I can practice with the co…

General Chess Discussion - First OTB tournament. Which openings to prepare against?#1

I am going to enter my first OTB tournament (90 min+5s) in a month. I do have some time each day (like 1 hr or so) to study. While I think I am okay with tactics (approx 2000-2300 here in puzzles), I …

General Chess Discussion - Any interesting black openings?#14

Started playing the Alekhine few weeks back, coming from the French is a totally new and exciting opening!

Lichess Feedback - lichess should subtract less points to who made a lot of correct moves (Puzzle Rating Suggestion)#6

I have the feeling thou, that in a lot of mating puzzles it is possible to win serious material (i.e having a technically win position) and sometimes it is a bit annoying that I lose points when I am …
