
Search "user:ooohwise123"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What's this Sicilian line called?#22

Chill 😂😂😂

Lichess Feedback - New Custom Challenge Change#8

@Entuzijasta Good point, setting the range means you will play for example +100 or -100 rated opponents each time for EVERY variant. There will be no need to change the rating range (old system 2400-2…

Off-Topic Discussion - Theory of dimensions#19

People here too smart 😅😅😅

General Chess Discussion - How can you get your rating over 2000?#22

@ahamz You say you play the benoni with black (1.d4 c5), but don't know what to do against 2.d5? Well, it's funny because 2.d5 is the MAIN MOVE 🤣 not being mean. Anyways, you can learn more about it …

General Chess Discussion - Premoving rules ?#9

Bullet is fun :) Even the world champion plays it! Players like Nakamura, Carlsen love bullet, and they have no problem with dirty flagging someone, so @BGW52 would you say they have lousy technique e…

General Chess Discussion - Weird openings?#12

@Sneakiest_of_Snakes The Philidor and Benoni are very disrespectful openings to play. You should seriously have some more respect for people and stop being a bully! 🧢😂😂😂
