
Search "user:oofmagoof"

22 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Can we get better move times/ui improvements for correspondence?#1

I think correspondence is really underdeveloped on lichess. Any information about your game isn't really recorded. Only the start date (by hovering over the "x months ago") and the moves, really. The …

Lichess Feedback - How do I change the amount of cores used on my computer in analysis?#11

@spaitz said in #10: > Is brave still the only browser that apparently doesn't support SF16? Do you know if there's any hope to have it working or if there are news of updates? I use the lichess app. …

Lichess Feedback - Removing players from a team#6

@Brian-E said in #4: > I wonder what your reasons are for ever wanting to remove a player from your team while still allowing them to return whenever they like. It makes sense to me that this is not p…

Lichess Feedback - How do I change the amount of cores used on my computer in analysis?#5

@TotalNoob69 said in #2: > Do you use Brave by any chance, @oofmagoof ? I see what you are getting at. @Frogster64 said in #4: > Can someone from Lichess explain the Threads setting? I'm curious. And …

Lichess Feedback - This is a great website.#7

> My main criticism of the site would be that through its manifold rewarding mechanisms (awards etc), it creates immense pressure on its members to improve continually. this is why i quit a lot of web…

Lichess Feedback - Не могу войти в аккаунт#2

твой пароль слишком прост они, вероятно, изменили разрешенные пароли где hemaster2? lol

Lichess Feedback - Removing players from a team#2

You can probably ban them, and instantly unban them.

Lichess Feedback - Why is'nt there a correspondence chess rating list on lichess ?#6

I really wish there was. If cheating is that much of a problem, why not remove ratings for correspondence? Not an invitation tho. Also, Lstein, what do you mean by "abandon" these types of players?

Lichess Feedback - How do I change the amount of cores used on my computer in analysis?#1

I actually opened a forum post on the change in the Analysis UI, but it was purely cosmetic and not about any functions. But, I noticed that I can't change the amount of cpu core used anymore. This is…

General Chess Discussion - What are the little logo things on peoples acc that lichess added for some players?#21

i like my golden horsey ngl
