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296 forum posts
Game analysis - The PIG#4

Further, a rook on the seventh rank is known as ICE BEAR, not pig.

Off-Topic Discussion - Heavy Metal and all its forms#13

However i have to say that i like the people around Heavy Metal, its just that i dont know why they hear such a boring music ...

Off-Topic Discussion - Heavy Metal and all its forms#12

The only two superb songs located near Heavy metal, which i know, are 'Bohemian Rapsody' and 'Silverfuck', but pure Heavy Metal bores me to death. It is not melodic and has no rhythm. Here is Silverfu…

General Chess Discussion - Ultimate Funny Chess Moments and Blunders#21

I love this. my Fav is 29:23, cant stop loling

General Chess Discussion - why are people telling lies about chess#9

'Chess Master at any Age' by Rolf Wetzell has good inspirations for anyone who is not a child any more and still wants to become GM. I for example. Im fourty and i will do it.

Game analysis - What are some attacking plans for white?#14

@brianmak NP. Thanks for the feedback. Peace.

Game analysis - What are some attacking plans for white?#12

@brianmak #10 slutty credits. But well, @Sarg0n at least thought about it. And as we all know, a wise man does not need to leave his room to change the world.

Game analysis - What are some attacking plans for white?#4

you played it right, except you dont have to give him your queenside. So b3 and/or Rb1 and then continue like in the game. Also, as Sargon noted, you dont need to mate him, put your pieces in active p…

General Chess Discussion - Time to quit?#15

if you would be too 'dumb' to get better than 1500 then your IQ must be lower than that of Forrest Gump. I doubt that is the case. Analyze yourself and find out what you do wrong. That should be easy.…

Game analysis - Questions from a lower rated played#10

i also vote for what @tpr #3 said. Concrete game, if he plays 2.c3 ('Alapin') then answer immediately Nf6 or d5. You need to attack his center to prevent him setting up a pawn duo e4 d4. If he gets th…
