
Search "user:mixed_chillies"

21 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - profile viewing of opponents during tournaments#3

ty for your response HommeSaoul, when you put it like that, yeah I'm probably worrying unnecessarily.

General Chess Discussion - profile viewing of opponents during tournaments#1

I sometimes get the feeling that players in tournament are playing particular openings against me. Especially if i lose to someone with that particular opening. Is there a way to set my preferences so…

General Chess Discussion - How to avoid time trouble / how to play faster?#6

This subsection of the chess_opening page on Wikipedia helped me a lot when trying to figure out which openings to start out with. The whole page is really useful and I refer there and subsequent link…

General Chess Discussion - CHALLENGE: try to beat stockfish lvl 1 in 13 or less moves#17

4th game vs stockfish lvl 1.

General Chess Discussion - 1. b3 refuted otb (out of time <1300 rapid tourney game)#8

@zotyahobbisakkos yes. I was hoping for some Fried-Liver or Lolli Attack action but all I got was Queen Gambits and Sicilians.. then this Nimzo-Larsen at the end just for some cherries on the icing. T…

General Chess Discussion - 1. b3 refuted otb (out of time <1300 rapid tourney game)#4

@win-draw-loss and all, sorry, trolling unintentional, I did mention our ratings and that it was a <1300 rapid game in the title. Ok not a refutation.. but still there is hope for the noobies, moral b…

General Chess Discussion - 1. b3 refuted otb (out of time <1300 rapid tourney game)#1

Have come up against 1. b3 about twice so far and I'm hovering around 950 after nearly 600 games. My opponent is nearly 1200 and appeared to be fairly proficient, so I am assuming this is the mainline…

General Chess Discussion - Queen and Rook Sacrifice ending in smothered mate.#6

@whittled_rook oh, b5 only delays the discovered check, I did not see the Queen back to 3rd rank move. Better I said prevents immediate discovered check via Queen trade. Ok Rxe6 instead. Either way wi…

General Chess Discussion - Queen and Rook Sacrifice ending in smothered mate.#4

yes a nice mate there @whittled_rook. Black could have played 16 ... b5 offering a queen trade to prevent the 17 Ng5+ discovered mate. 15 Qe4 ... threatening 16 Qh7# may gain Blacks' Queen, or if Blac…

General Chess Discussion - What is Flagging?#11

For such a period of time I had players in the parks were sat at classical formats. haha they must surely be playing rapid and bullet games.
