
Search "user:melsharawy"

3 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Using API to automatically have a bot send challenges to other bots#5

@BelowAvgDonk Here's blog post about lichess bots: For me particularly, I am making a chess engine from scratch as a hobby and for fun. I…

General Chess Discussion - Using API to automatically have a bot send challenges to other bots#2

Update: Figured it out, and to avoid being DenverCoder9 (, I'll share the solution I made 2 changes 1. used a dictionary instead of a string 2. used the string "false", instead o…

General Chess Discussion - Using API to automatically have a bot send challenges to other bots#1

Hello! Sorry if this is too specific/niche. I'm working on a chess bot (melsh_bot), and I'm trying to have it automatically send challenges to other bots, so that it would have a more an accurate rati…
