
Search "user:leolo"

25 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Warning#17

Guys all of a sudden, my google chrome notifications stopped working, now I'm warned I'd be banned because of abandoning games I didnt even start because of notifications not working :( Not fair :)!! …

Lichess Feedback - Maybe lichess should have advertisements so they can pay for servers that won't crash during a 24 hour marathon tournament.#19

thank you for keeping this ad free. It is not about ads it is much more than that. Thank you for the dedication. Where there is a will there is a way. Thank you for making the world a better place.

Lichess Feedback - The marathon tournament is dead#31

cant wait to know when the next one is :)!!

Lichess Feedback - The marathon tournament is dead#24

but it worked flawlessly for the last 20minutes or so, whatever u did right before kiling it fúxed it 😁😀🍔 just wãt to say a big thnx on top of that Uni, hapy hollidays lihess team, ur amazing!!!!!

Lichess Feedback - The marathon tournament is dead#6

i guess it could take a while ?

General Chess Discussion - How do you improve your chess ?#31

@h4 thats true!

General Chess Discussion - How do you improve your chess ?#29

interesting, thnx for sharing man! o, man, that thing you say about the coach, that hurts everytime I hear the " bad student" I promise you the "bad student " is just a myth that help the bad teachers…

General Chess Discussion - How do you improve your chess ?#27

but we are drifting away from subject hehehe. I will try chess with pomodoro technique the 28th for the 24h tourney.. 25 minutes and 5 minutes break... 25 +5

General Chess Discussion - How do you improve your chess ?#26

I was once burnout, fighting just to eat, more than that and was already out of breath... forget chess or anything else, hope no one gets burnout its too close to stop on living :(

General Chess Discussion - How do you improve your chess ?#24

i just saw you broke 2000 ! its my dream Ill try that in the next tourney by the end Ill reach it !!!!! roar! iknow its just a number but....
