
Search "user:leboncatalan"

102 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - A song with your name on it#13

C'est le bon (Supertramp)

Off-Topic Discussion - What is the meaning of your name.?#34

Le bon catalan (the good catalan) The almogavers (catalan fighters of s.XIII) damaged a lot of countries from the Mediterranean see. People of Greece, Turkey and Bulgary said to their children "watch …

General Chess Discussion - Most solid opening for white#17

System Colle It is easy to learn, solid and you can transform to Zuckertort, London, Queen Gambit, etc. Like system it is able to fight againts all black defense againt you need to fight.

Off-Topic Discussion - Cristoforo Colombo#18

@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #12: > I never understood why he called the West Indies for the WEST Indies, because if India was where he insisted it was, they'd be east of India and should be called the …

Off-Topic Discussion - Cristoforo Colombo#6

Another evidence: the castilians mistook Girona with Genoa because they don't understand the catalan and Catalonia was almost unknown for Castilian Kingdom. The kingdom of Aragon (with Catalonia in it…

Off-Topic Discussion - Cristoforo Colombo#4

@Thissoundsgood said in #3: > O. > I was merely quoting my 1991 The New Lexicon Webster's Dictionary Of The Englisch Language Encyclopedic Edition. > Sorry about that, Catalunya:) No problem. It is th…

Off-Topic Discussion - Cristoforo Colombo#2

No. Cristobal Colom was a catalan sailor. The name Colom is very known here. All the history was a fake made for Castilian Kingdom. The major evidence: The three ships could not sail from the port of …

Off-Topic Discussion - An advice for boiling spaghetti#21

You don't need to hit them. It would be enough to break them with your hands ( it are not made of steel) XD

Off-Topic Discussion - Music thats not bubble gum#10

Till Lindeman (Rammstein) - Ich Hasse Kinder LOL XD

Off-Topic Discussion - Mes réspects aux francais. J'ai une question pour vous#8

@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #7: > Mais oui je pense. Dans le Sud-Ouest ils pensent qu'ils sont a moitie Espagnols. Vous voulez dir en l'Aquitanie ?. Je préférais être mieux dans le Languedoc-Rousillion…
