
Search "user:kthejoker"

11 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Has Stockfish / "Play Against Compuer" been nerfed lately?#1

I've played casually against Stockfish level 5 for years - it plays solidly so provides a nice challenge especially when practicing new openings. Lately though it seems to make a ton of straight blund…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess GM spreadsheet#1

I spent some time sleuthing and identifying various GMs on Lichess. Out of the 1,181 living GMs born on or after 1970, I've identified 562 on Lichess (268 out of 380 born since 1990) plus another 44 G…

General Chess Discussion - Most popular inferior move?#3

Every mainline position of the 3 main Scandinavian Defense variations (Qa5, Qd6, Qd8) has Black worse after move 7. It's up to White to prove it, of course : )

Game analysis - Post a moment where you don't know what to move here..!#2

You shouldn't've castled, your king was perfectly safe in the center.

Lichess Feedback - Bringing back decorous behaviour#3

Another suggestion would be to give players flair for having a high completion rate / demonstrating "decorous behavior" however it may be defined. With maybe an additional flair for people who are new…

Game analysis - why did i lose this endgame with a piece up?#8

Well as the engine shows, move 37 is a huge mistake as you give up your e and f pawns for white's f pawn instead of both his f pawn and his passed h pawn. Then it's pretty trivial to suck up his other…

General Chess Discussion - Viewing moves from the opponent's POV#1

I feel I'm pretty good at evaluating my own position in a vacuum, what the next move should be, what I'm trying to achieve. What I'm really bad about is even bothering to look at the game from my oppo…

Lichess Feedback - Analysis Bug#1

Summary: When analyzing a game that was continued from a mid-game position of another game, the generated links to blunders, mistakes, and inaccuracies do not work. Steps to reproduce: 1) Open a previ…

Lichess Feedback - Bug Report: Notes are no longer on the Analysis Board.#5

Yes? The Notes tab is there like always.

Lichess Feedback - Bug Report: Notes are no longer on the Analysis Board.#3

No, you don't. If you just go visit a game you played, you can write notes there. This is still working for me, just FYI.
