
Search "user:krxou"

21 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Tournament Notifications#3

This is basically what I'd be looking for: At least there should be a way to search all tournaments, inclu…

General Chess Discussion - Tournament Notifications#2

Also, would be nice to see 960 tourneys in clubs that are open to anyone, so that I could join those clubs (not the 960 specific clubs of which I am already a member).

General Chess Discussion - Tournament Notifications#1

When I look at the calendar, I believe I only see the official lichess tournaments. Is there any way to see upcoming user-created tournaments, or is there a way to set up when to be notified of when a…

Lichess Feedback - Shahade pairings#3

He gives plenty of logical points in the article. It favors top players at the expense of bottom players. There are more arguments that he does not mention: players in the middle of the field are not …

Lichess Feedback - Arena Rankings#5

I do like the Arena system quite a bit and the issue is not streaks, I just mentioned that as another possible improvement. The main point is the RANKINGS. IMO rankings should be based on a combinatio…

Lichess Feedback - Shahade pairings#1

For tournaments in which all players play the same number of games, has there been any consideration for random pairings, or what I will call Shahade pairings?…

Lichess Feedback - Arena Rankings#1

I have seen a lot of discussion on how arena tournaments encourage players to play more games and lower quality games, and eg resign a game where in a different format the player might fight for a dra…

Lichess Feedback - Q@A#5

Yes, hopefully just down temporarily.

Off-Topic Discussion - advanced search by forum? #1

When I use the search box in the upper right side of the screen, it searches all forums. How do I search only 1 forum, or the specific forum that I'm in?

General Chess Discussion - Chess960 rating#3

I am not sure how to pull up the data for individual time controls, but there are > 4500 chess960 players every week, so the number of games is far higher, and probably plenty for extremely accurate r…
