
Search "user:kasj1964"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - computer A.I. levels changed?#1

Hi -- When i play with the computer, i usually set it at Level 6 (A.I. 1900). When i played today, however, i noticed that Level 6 now appears as A.I. 2300! Has something changed in your system? I sus…

Lichess Feedback - screen is stuck#1

Hi -- I've been playing w Maliktop, but the game doesn't want to end! Screen says opponent left the game, and i can claim victory, draw, or wait. I claimed victory, but the same screen kept popping ba…

Lichess Feedback - rating points omitted?#3

Seems odd, because the game was allowed to proceed. If the opponent was a known cheater, wouldn't the game have been barred in the first place?

Lichess Feedback - rating points omitted?#1

Hi -- I recently defeated KingPhil65 in a rated classical game (30+0). I expected to see my points rating jump, but nothing has been registered! Can you take a look, and let me know? Thanks. kasj1964

Lichess Feedback - question about your recent notification#3

Thanks for the explanation. Much appreciated. So the opponent was banned for cheating in general, or for play during this match?

Lichess Feedback - question about your recent notification#1

Hi -- I just received a notification, which i'd like clarification on. You notified that i've received a refund of 6 points because i lost to a cheater. Can you pls indicate which game (or which user)…
