
Search "user:johnwr"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - WE WANT TEAM MATCHES#2

I agree that would be a nice feature particularly for those like me living on the Isle of Wight (or any island for that matter). It's a lovely place but the bit of water that separates us from the sou…

Lichess Feedback - Warning about letting time run down?#1

When opponents do this it is annoying especially when there's 1 to 2 minutes to go in a 3 minute game. Which seems to happen to me from time to time. However the warnings are ridiculous...... I would …

Lichess Feedback - Uneven spread of White / Black games...#3

But does this include the games where I'm white and my opponent aborts after 1 move?

Lichess Feedback - Uneven spread of White / Black games...#1

Does anybody else find the uneven spread of White / Black games frustrating? (all 3 minute games) I login create a game and seem to always be black.... okay 50/50 so that's fine..... but then the next…
