
Search "user:gavagai_der_zweite"

13 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Was ist am Ende einer Aufgage mit "Korrekt" gemeint?#5

Jetzt bin ich so klug wie zuvor. 2 x Bewertung der Güte der Aufgabe 1 x Bewertung meiner Lösung

General Chess Discussion - Was ist am Ende einer Aufgage mit "Korrekt" gemeint?#1

Am Ende einer taktischen Aufgabe steht "Korrekt!" mit Daumen hoch und Daumen runter. Was ist damit gemeint? Soll ich bewerten ob meine Aufgabenlösung korrekt war oder ob die intendierte Lösung korrekt…

General Chess Discussion - How to do an automatic analysis of a game play within lichess?#1

Hi, I've already done it a couple of times but now I forgot how to do it. And I find no explanation. How to do an automatic analysis of a game play within lichess?

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General Chess Discussion - How can I store a game played in lichess as pgn or in chessbase format? Second edition#1

Although I already suceeded twice I am now searching desperately for the games played in the tournament yesterday. Yes, I also reread the answers to my question one week before concerning the same iss…

General Chess Discussion - How do I send a personal message?#4

Found it, thanks.

General Chess Discussion - How do I send a personal message?#1

Today i play my third lichess tournament. If I see it right: the tiny line to the right is the chat input. But I also got a popup message from one of the players. How do I write and send such a messag…

General Chess Discussion - How do I find my postings?#3

Thanks I found the timeline with my postings.

General Chess Discussion - How do I find my postings?#1

I want to re-read the answers to a posting of mine. But I don't remember how many hours/days ago this was. I scrolled through a lot of boards here and got tired. Usually (on other platforms) I find my…

General Chess Discussion - How can I store a game played in lichess as pgn or in chessbase format?#8

"The whole "inaccuracy/mistake/blunder" comments are just simple translations of engine scores (0.50 , 1.00 and 3.00" OK, I have a couple of engines to work within CB15. Thanks.
