
Search "user:felixfoertsch"

3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - The thumbs up system after a puzzle is confusing#10

Just so we are clear here. I am arguing for something like this: This would easily dissolve the confusion.

Lichess Feedback - The thumbs up system after a puzzle is confusing#8

@pepellou said in #7: > you can't be serious zikalify is voicing user feedback of a confusing thing in the UI. I personally think he is correct, because I experienced the same confusion. So I'd suppor…

Lichess Feedback - The thumbs up system after a puzzle is confusing#4

I've just recently started with chess and playing puzzles on Lichess and I couldn't agree more. The thumbs up/down is very confusing, because there is no explanation whatsoever in the interface. This …
