
Search "user:ew-pawn"

198 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Sweet food vs spicy food#16

@ManasJaithliya2008 said in #15: > What did u tried? chicken biryani and butter chicken

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you enjoy doing the most?#16

@Oportunist what causes to feel such an anxiety :( it also happened to me but it didnt last a whole day.. i hope you’ll find the cause and cure it

Off-Topic Discussion - slayyyy#2,hope%20of%20obtaining%20majority%20favour.

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you enjoy doing the most?#14

These times i enjoy having a nice talk with mom <3 we grab some drinks and while we’re sitting on the couch we talk about everything..

Off-Topic Discussion - UEFA Euro Bets#13

I'm rooting for my home Turkiye but may the best one win!!

Off-Topic Discussion - What's the most annoying thing about school?#17

@kit_kat1122 said in #13: > The girls in my class. They're immature, fake and their lives revolve around trying to impress guys. (Yes, I am a girl) i wanna be your girl bestie in your class then :)

Off-Topic Discussion - What's the most annoying thing about school?#11

this post reminds me pink floyds song ‘another brick in the wall’

Off-Topic Discussion - Have u ever slapped a man?#16

i slapped a boy when i was little actually he slapped me gently as a joke but i was so mad and slapped back so hard like @Oportunist knows ottoman slap :D after that he cried and run away

Off-Topic Discussion - Sweet food vs spicy food#14

i tried indian food and regretted instantly so never ever spicy food..
