
Search "user:elMag0"

28 forum posts
Game analysis - Winning then Losing and i won at the end xd#1

A fun game

Lichess Feedback - Problem with adding time in blitz arena#6

this one is easy , there are just 2 possibilities 1: you did berserk so u lose your increment 2: you did have some connection issue

Correspondence League - Registration - Season 6 - League 1#2

Im new, where do we play , here in liches or there?

General Chess Discussion - Chess lazyness#1

Ive never read a chess book , all i know is for my own experience ,people says i got talent , and that i should study but i just dont want to , all i want is to play whenever i want,am i lazy ? even t…

General Chess Discussion - If I have rating 2000 in rapid, what rating Fide would I have?#10

@RitaK check this site give u an aproximate , but it depends i mean i should be 2286 fide and u 1790, yes is true ive beaten 2200+ fide rated plaers in OTB bu…

General Chess Discussion - How do u play when u feel bad?#1

ive played some games and seriously i wish could delete them , if i can id appreciate some one tell me how

Game analysis - Almost perfect win against a 2300+#6

@MrPushwood but he was the one who resquested the computer analisys it wasnt me he plays seriously besides it was a rated game

Game analysis - Almost perfect win against a 2300+#3

@bulletidiot but the engine says i only got a mistake isnt that almost perfect ?

Correspondence League - Season 6 - Registration#17

this was what ive looking for

Game analysis - Almost perfect win against a 2300+#1

whe i saw the engine says i just have 1 mistake i was really proud i still have a long way but this good i did also got 2 inaccuracies but come on im not perfect
