
Search "user:dougs_dino"

3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Promoted pawn didn't promote after placing it on back rank#7

Good point, I'm playing on mobile though and don't have that option. I guess I'll just have to eat the lost elo and change to auto promote queen to on our switch to PC i just with the big would be add…

Lichess Feedback - Promoted pawn didn't promote after placing it on back rank#4

But what about when you want/need to under promote

Lichess Feedback - Promoted pawn didn't promote after placing it on back rank#1

In my game against jimmyjazz0 I played a promotion move with 3 seconds left on my clock but the pawn just sat on the back rank and i timed out. After the game ended it said i never promoted my pawn or…
