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5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Delete puzzles with zero ratings / Mark puzzles as "non-optimal"#11

Thank you all for your explanations, especially @ratzinjammers, everybody need a humble bath sometimes. And now I understand better how puzzles are made. But guess some people could be more polite, I'…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Delete puzzles with zero ratings / Mark puzzles as "non-optimal"#6

Another example, this is a puzzle with zero rating: I played 25. ... Nc4 while the solution is 25. ... f6 My move has a better stockfish rating (+1.6) than the solut…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Delete puzzles with zero ratings / Mark puzzles as "non-optimal"#5

> "But the puzzles don't come from game analysis" > They do. No, as far as I know they don't, they come from real games. Not by games played by stockfish. For instance, the movement by stockfish in th…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Delete puzzles with zero ratings / Mark puzzles as "non-optimal"#3

stumilowylas, I look them every time I analyze a game. But the puzzles don't come from game analysis, they are made from real human games.

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Delete puzzles with zero ratings / Mark puzzles as "non-optimal"#1

I often find puzzles with zero rating, my impressions are that they don't follow the "best moves" either in the opponent or in the player side. Maybe they are generated from blitz games and they are n…
