
Search "user:dequeued"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Checkmate bug#1

I'm pretty sure I can't checkmate with just a bishop. It looks like a bug of some sort.

Lichess Feedback - Leaving games without resigning... maybe don't let new games start until resigning#1

If someone leaves a game without resigning, why are they able to start a new game without resigning the first game? Thanks.

Lichess Feedback - Draw timeout is way too fast mid-game, especially if you are winning#3

Then it is simply too fast.

Lichess Feedback - Draw timeout is way too fast mid-game, especially if you are winning#1

I was thinking about a move for only one minute, was unable to click to start my move and I got the beachball of "aaaarrghh no". I reloaded the page and when it reloaded... I had already been forced t…
