
Search "user:debrx"

21 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - How are you supposed to make these types of studys?#3

Create a new Study, when creating a new Chapter, where it says 'Analysis Mode', change it from 'Normal Analysis' to 'Interactive Lesson'

General Chess Discussion - Board editor, clear board#3

Tap the Gear Icon, tap 'Starting Position' and select 'Clear Board'

Lichess Feedback - Found a very small oddity while importing partial FEN#3

It's not a bug; it's because you put a bishop on h8. If you enter the correct starting position "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR", it will add O-O castling rights for black

Lichess Feedback - Chat Suggestion#2

You can do that. You need to click on the green box next to where it says 'chat room'

General Chess Discussion - Rapid Game Result Without Having Played?#6

Rules of the variants:

General Chess Discussion - "Save" physical game with friends as PGN#9

You need to enter it in the analysis board and from there you can copy it

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Feedback Forum#2

If you click on Community>Forum, there is a search box in the top right corner.

Lichess Feedback - what is sandbagging?#3

Sandbagging means to lose rated games on purpose to get a rating that is lower than your actual strength. Sandbagging is not allowed on lichess to make sure that people get paired with players of simi…

Lichess Feedback - Zen mode changes/ missing feature#2

I don't think you can automatically make it exit zen mode when a game is completed. But you can simply press the 'z' key to enter or exit zen mode, so it shouldn't be too annoying. Hope that helps

Lichess Feedback - Marking squares and creating arrows in studies#2

If you are using the website (the app does not support it), you can connect a keyboard or mouse via usb or bluetooth and use that like on a computer. I don't think there is another way to do it.
