
Search "user:dannyo"

27 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why doesn't black resign when I play Ke2?#4 Is this the game?

Lichess Feedback - How should I share the exhibition link?#2

Just literally copy the link and text it to someone. They should be able to directly open it from their phone or copy it into their web browser and join the tournament from their computer that way

Lichess Feedback - i am tired of this, the whole game i am better#2

I mean, if you didn't spot his plan after move 19, it doesn't matter how well you played the rest of the game, you kind of deserved that

General Chess Discussion - Announcing our new logo! #130

Good April fools. Nearly got me as well :)

Lichess Feedback - The computer does not know how to win an endgame on analysis board (multiple lines bug)#5

Mabye kc7 is not the best move. After 1. kc7, ka8 2. b6 its stalemate. After 1. b6, kb8 2. b7, ka7 3. kc7, ka6 4. b8 = Q white is clearly winning

Lichess Feedback - freezing clock#2

I am requesting it, to see if it was a glitch or very major lag, or for real.

General Chess Discussion - oh yeah#9

Oh, wait. You can't.

General Chess Discussion - oh yeah#8

Also, if your lecturing me at being more creative, go on, tell Sneakmasterflex what I said in a more creative way , if your so good at it.

General Chess Discussion - oh yeah#7

That is very rude. Das ist sehr nicht gut. There, some German for you to make things more creative. Happy?

General Chess Discussion - oh yeah#5

Of course, you could just be decent to good at chess, and not go to be one of the top in the world at chess by becoming a Grandmaster (GM). Or, you could become good but not that good, and get a lower…
