
Search "user:chessnoob_3"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chess Improvement for a 2000+#24

@wannabe2700 about 1.5 years I'd say. 2 years officially but I've had several inactive months in-between. Started at 1200-1300 blitz and then rose from there

General Chess Discussion - Chess Improvement for a 2000+#18

Well, I do know some basic endgames through experience and through YouTube videos. I've tried pulling myself to study endgames but just don't know HOW to study, it eventually gets very boring and I go…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Improvement for a 2000+#4

Englund gambit because, very much used to playing e5 to e4, so in fast games I would premove e5 and if white has played d4, it turns into Englund gambit. Know a couple of traps there but its not reall…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Improvement for a 2000+#1

I've been around 2000+ for more than 6 months now (with occasional ups and downs). Never read a book, nor studied any openings or endgames nor middle game strategies and only played blitz and bullet p…

General Chess Discussion - Ratings vs Lichess Ratings#1

I am just about 2000 in both Blitz/Bullet on lichess and can consistently beat 2000+ rated players here. My bullet rating on is about 1850 but I can't seem to even touch 1600 blitz. Is just …
