
Chess Improvement for a 2000+

" Never read a book, nor studied any openings or endgames nor middle game strategies and only played blitz and bullet primarily"

Study endgames. Maybe start with the basic Rook+pawn vs Rook endings.
Just work on calculation which in my opinion is much more important than opening memorization. Just work on tactics and other pattern recognition skills, that will vault you to the 2200/national master level pretty quickly.
@ryan121 I don't understand your point. He said he is 2000+ but has never studied endgames, and is asking for tips to improve, so why wouldn't studying rook endgames be a good idea?
I am sorry if I somehow offend you. Basic R vs R + P is useful to everyone. Over 2000+, more endgame theory is required to WIN. I am lower rated because I'm too lazy and bored to study Endgame Manual :(
@ryan121 Of course more is required. But he has NEVER studied endgames before - why would he jump straight into more complicated endings when he doesn't know the Lucena or the Philidor positions? And no, your ignorance did not offend me.
Well, I do know some basic endgames through experience and through YouTube videos. I've tried pulling myself to study endgames but just don't know HOW to study, it eventually gets very boring and I go back to playing blitz for fun. :/, I love the game which is why I want to improve but have terrible attention span to sit and study..its too boring lol
I understand reading Endgame books is boring. I suggest the Android Apps Chess Endgame Training.
@variantscanbefun I'm rated 2000+ and I never read endgame manuals and I have very limited knowledge about endgames. What I do to improve is to do tactics, know my opening lines (very useful in blitz and bullet) and be creative. I think that working on your weakness is more important than learning endgame (well if endgames is your weak point, maybe you should start with this). That's why analysing your own games is really important.

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