Off-Topic Discussion - Which is the best martial art and why?#24 Contactless martial art is the best! | chess_cactus |
Off-Topic Discussion - Дебаты#25 А где Вадег? | chess_cactus |
Off-Topic Discussion - What is 1 plus 1#30 @namesnipe said in #14: > oh shoot we’ll need like hospital equipment to operate 1 plus 1 Will not need. The question was what is 1 plus 1, not how much it will be. 1 plus 1 is a mathematical operatio… | chess_cactus |
Off-Topic Discussion - What is 1 plus 1#13 1 plus 1 is a mathematical operation. | chess_cactus |
Off-Topic Discussion - Is there one historical person you associate with good morals?#26 Lev Tolstoy | chess_cactus |
Off-Topic Discussion - How much is the longest you have held your breath?#5 5 minutes. But it's after some training only. If not to train then 1...2 minutes. | chess_cactus |
Off-Topic Discussion - Zombie apocalypse#45 It's already happening. | chess_cactus |
Off-Topic Discussion - Best thing about Japan#31 Motorсycles. | chess_cactus |
Off-Topic Discussion - Cigarettes and tobacco#7 For 46 years he has been enjoying, and now he tells us: "Don't smoke!" | chess_cactus |
Off-Topic Discussion - Debate#30 @TheKingClash said in #29: > Think about all the people dying of Covid every day. Have you seen the news? I know what to think about. News? From the Ministry of Truth? The topic asked: "What do you th… | chess_cactus |
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