
Search "user:cakeovic"

36 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Mamedyarov’s g4#3

I loved it! It actually totally brightened my day. I've played g4 on move 1 and move 2, but it makes a lot more sense when he played it since e6 blocks the influence of black's LSB.

Lichess Feedback - Opening explorer "Current" suggestion#14

100% agree with the OP that the new "current" bar at the top of the database is a mild annoyance. I guess I'll get used to ignoring it soon enough though.

General Chess Discussion - What are some good chess books ?#12

"Mayhem in the Morra" - Marc Esserman ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

General Chess Discussion - setting chronos clock for increments#5

I believe the mode with increment is called "Adagio Mode" (AD-1 for 1 control, AD-2 for 2, etc.). Hopefully your clock has it.

General Chess Discussion - The most annoying type of opponent#32

It's the gross dude with flagrant BO who pulls out some nasty sandwich and eats it right at the board. Then he plays the rest of the game with some mustard on his face.

General Chess Discussion - Scholars mate#4

2. Qh5 is a better move order, inducing black to defend the e pawn. After 2. Bc4 black can play 2...Nf6 ruining your plan. Also, "crushable" is too strong, it just gives away white's edge against dece…

General Chess Discussion - How punish wing gambit to Sicilian: 1.e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. b4!?#5

The proper name for this line is Portsmouth Gambit, and the player who has explored it most extensively might be Fred Clough (an old school correspondence player from the UK). Sorry to say his contrib…

General Chess Discussion - Is Blitz bad or good?#16

An analogous question would be to ask if ping pong helps or hurts your tennis game. This might be a mild exaggeration, but I think there's truth in it. If discussing bullet, just substitute "beer pong…

General Chess Discussion - What are some nice bait lines?#17

Here's some hilarious "bait" that reeled in a GM a few years ago on his banter blitz show. I'm sure many have seen it, but:

General Chess Discussion - I find Very Strong gambit Van Geet All varitions#24

After 1. Nc3 f5 2. g4 declining with 2...d5 looks pretty good for black. 2...d5 is an annoying move with the N on c3. Also, 2. g4 loosens up white's kingside forever. However, my main critique with th…
