
Search "user:ayammerah"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - would you prefer online chess or offline chess? and please give the reason!#11

OTB, since you can psych your opponent like when you make a tricky tactic your expression will be like "Oh, come on!" Then opponent takes the bait and boom you win (example)

General Chess Discussion - What is your highest puzzle rating?#51

3027 at my old account but the puzzles were too hard so it dropped me to 2672

Lichess Feedback - Hi all I can't see followers of any account or is it a bug for everyone#7

@Kratos_chesss said in #1: > Pls kindly reply I can't. I overlooked it and I just realized

Lichess Feedback - Hi all I can't see followers of any account or is it a bug for everyone#4

Forget what I said I cant see it either

Lichess Feedback - Hi all I can't see followers of any account or is it a bug for everyone#3

You can see who followed you and who you followed. Maybe it's a bug try refreshing

Game analysis - Best rated win yet#2

