
Search "user:andnowforsomething"

5 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - How and What to Train in Chess#3

I am already very sceptical of the many articles here that provide a little bit of usable content (often not much more than window-dressing) and are written with the sole purpose to sell something. Bu…

Community Blog Discussions - How Grandmasters Memorize Opening Variations#3

Saying you need to understand the moves is all fine and well, but the real problem arises when you have understood all that can be understood and the details of longer variations or similar sidelines …

Community Blog Discussions - A Lifehack to Speed up the Growth in Chess#8

Independent of the content of this article, I am slightly concerned that lately there are a lot of articles on Lichess which at first glance talk about some chess topic, but ultimately only want to gu…

Community Blog Discussions - How To Play Against The 'Chessable Generation'#9

Of course, memorizing without trying to understand things first is a misguided approach. But even after everything has been understood, in order to get the maximum out of the learning material, some m…

Community Blog Discussions - How To Play Against The 'Chessable Generation'#4

It would be interesting if the author elaborated more on his claim of having an "eidetic memory since birth" and which innate memory abilities he still possesses that contributed to this conclusion.
