
Search "user:ambessonov"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Fairy Chess#4

@SteveWanton You can visit the lichess variants site to play fairy piece variants such as Capablanca Chess and Shogi. The login is the same as the one you use on lichess.

Lichess Feedback - Bug puzzle #DZn3w#5

The queen cannot checkmate black with 16. Qf7+, as black responds with the forced move of 16. ... Bg7. This move also threatens 17. ... Rf8, preventing the queen from escaping. Therefore, this move is…

General Chess Discussion - Lower rated players should not be allowed to win against us higher rated players#16

@JoyfulCrown This is the beauty of chess: it doesn't care about who has a better knowledge of it. The person who wins is the one who gains a greater positional advantage, uses tactics to consolidate a…

Lichess Feedback - Weird puzzle#3

[40. a6] allows [40. Kb6], which blunders the pawn and basically stops the white king from advancing. Basically, at the end of the winning sequence, black's king is in zugzwang, and every move worsens…
