
Search "user:ValhallaRoadCrem"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Using Opening Explorer while Correspondence game is ongoing#5

I'm not sure my question is clear enough. What I'm trying to say is, if I'm due to play someone next week over the board at the club and I know they usually play Sicilian (for example) can I look at l…

General Chess Discussion - Using Opening Explorer while Correspondence game is ongoing#1

Can I use Opening Explorer if I have Correspondence games going on? Thanks

Lichess Feedback - 'Confirm move' option set up#3

Yes, but I want to set it to correspondence AND rapid AND classical only. Can I do this? That's all I am asking.

Lichess Feedback - 'Confirm move' option set up#1

Hi Lichess Is it possible to have 'confirm move' set up for longer games (rapid, classical) but not for bullet and blitz? It's annoying when I forget I have confirm move still on after a classical gam…
