
Search "user:TripHopKniGHts"

229 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Have you ever been cheated in chess?#31

I am losing, they must be cheating....Arrrrrrgh!!! Nutcases.

General Chess Discussion - Have you ever been cheated in chess?#30

@midnightmusicnetwork , I got that number from a article... look it up. Now, Biff, Why would I make something up like that?

General Chess Discussion - Have you ever been cheated in chess?#26

@FryderykFranciszek; Online chess is not plagued with cheaters... 0.2% of online chess players cheat... if you play 1000 games you may encounter a couple of cheaters... it's a non issue. (Well... I su…

General Chess Discussion - Cool Lichess Names#24

@ThePracticeGuy Every tenth move 1 minute is added to the clock...

General Chess Discussion - How to beat the queens gambit?#10

Attack the kingside.

General Chess Discussion - Cool Lichess Names#22

@SlowMotionBullet is pretty cool. Reminds me of the Matrix movie.

General Chess Discussion - If your goal is to get to 1900 FIDE and you absolutely hate openings how would you approach it?#27

( There are some openings that require greater depth of knowledge.... just avoid playing those openings.)

General Chess Discussion - If your goal is to get to 1900 FIDE and you absolutely hate openings how would you approach it?#26

You just need to learn the first 10 to 15 moves of the main lines in most openings... it is not that difficult.

General Chess Discussion - Is it just me?#2

I have been playing on Lichess for over 5 years... thousands of games with multiple accounts and have come across a cheat maybe a half dozen times. It happens from time to time and Lichess always find…

General Chess Discussion - Horsey...#6

The existence of the Horsey is relative... If Horsey forks the Queen in the woods and no one is there to see it is the Queen taken? If the Queen sits down beside you at the local watering hole and tur…
