
Search "user:Timbaspirit"

5 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - 2023 Online Women's Chess: Year-in-Review#2

The match between Polina and Levy made me a fan of Polina. I like this summary of the year. And the I love the account name!

Community Blog Discussions - Breaking The Silence Online#251

@QueenRosieMary said in #249: > Apologies, I had seen your post and intended to reply sooner but as you can probably imagine, I have been dealing with a LOT of private messages and forum posts the las…

Community Blog Discussions - Breaking The Silence Online#247

@Timbaspirit said in #91: > In "All Women Are Hookers..." you mention how you don't want to play against a certain individual neither OTB nor online. I can understand a feeling of unease when being in…

Community Blog Discussions - Breaking The Silence Online#91

@QueenRosieMary said in #1: > Comments on First of all, thank you for sharing this blog post! I as a man can not imagine the stre…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess down#2

Yeah because agadmator's Arena was so bloated, the site went down. On the bright side, at least there was no money on the line for you (I assume).
