
Search "user:TentaclePawn"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess app not responding#7

Lichess app is not usable on android 7.0 after the latest update, although I am enjoying the fancy new icon. On start up, the chessboard icon in the top right shows games waiting, but is unresponsive …

General Chess Discussion - Can the lichess API fetch PGN of my studies?#5

Yes, but I don't see a way to navigate to my studies. Think I will try the discord.

General Chess Discussion - Can the lichess API fetch PGN of my studies?#3

Please could you elaborate, or point to the docs.

General Chess Discussion - Can the lichess API fetch PGN of my studies?#1

Can I fetch the links to my studies, and from there the PGN in some clean way?

Lichess Feedback - Defect: Mobile app puzzles not updating#2

Here's what has worked for me: Log out from lichess on the phone, but don't uninstall it. Clear app data and cache via Settings -> Apps -> Lichess -> Storage -> Clear Data

Lichess Feedback - Defect: Mobile app puzzles not updating#1

I keep getting repeated puzzles on Android mobile app, and my rating is not changing. Log out and in doesn't help, nor does uninstall & reinstall of app. I think the problems started when I logged in …
