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2 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - 3x 15 sec. additional time at 5+0 Blitz after time was up#5

@InkyDarkBird said in #2: > Did you accidentally click the blue plus sign next to their clock 3 times? > > Edit: is it this game? > > > If so, the game was incremented. It was not 5+0 blitz. It was 5+…

Lichess Feedback - 3x 15 sec. additional time at 5+0 Blitz after time was up#1

Hi, I am new to lichess. I just lost a game because my opponent got 3x 15 sec. after his time ran out! I was ahead and had approx. 1 minute left when he got the first 15 sec. of additional time. I was…
