
Search "user:Tanjay"

15 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess report#5

Ho so if you get banned for chatting you won't ever be able to chat anymore? Its a forever type of ban not like 1 day or 1 week for example?

Lichess Feedback - Lichess report#3

Thank you for your response! Does that mean that insulting other player only result in being "chat banned" because i only ever reported people for insults in the chat and like i said i got the notice …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess report#1

Hello! I recently got this message from lichess : On Lichess, you *must* be nice when communicating with other players. At all times. Lichess is intended to be a fun and friendly environment for every…

Lichess Feedback - Best of 3 / Best of 5#3

Because i want to play with different people and learn to fight against their playing style too... You call ensuring you play 3 or 5 games in a row a commitment? Nothing would force player to do this.…

Lichess Feedback - Best of 3 / Best of 5#1

Hello!!! My name is Tanjay and i have been playing on lichess for quite some time now, at least since Jerry from Chess-Network starting doing video on the site :P. I have a request to add a challenge …
