
Search "user:TMaus"

23 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Zen mode icon beside the game.#5

To prevent that, 1) join the game 2) click your name 3) enable Zen-Mode (without going to preferences) 4) Profit!

Lichess Feedback - Deleting a team#3

Done, next time see #2 :)

Lichess Feedback - Annoying LichessTV behavior#2

If you want to follow that specific game you're watching on LichessTV right now, hover over a players name and click the little TV symbol.

Lichess Feedback - Message awaiting move from opponent#2

Feel free to help translating lichess:

Lichess Feedback - statistics scores#2

Do you mean your rating graph? It shows 1463 for you (2/12/17) Remember that the graphs are only updated every 15 minutes.

General Chess Discussion - Why is my rapid 1500?#8

Rating graph colors will be fixed as well as your indivudal ratings. All of the already played classical games have to be revisited to paste the clock data and adjust it to the new rating categories. …

General Chess Discussion - I can't find my classical games in my profile#8

The feature should be back online.

Lichess Feedback - I didn't leave the game#3

Then the next one will complain that he has to wait for five minutes until he can claim a win. Easiest way is to fix your connection, in addition you can check for your current…

General Chess Discussion - People leaving games when in bad positions#2

Yes there are systems that are (temporaryly) banning players for such behavior. It's called playban and it prolongs the more often a player repeats to abandon games or stalls on time.

Game analysis - 86 moves and acpl of 3#2

I'm pretty sure promoting to 4 knights wasn't SFs first choice though ;)
