
I didn't leave the game

And here we go again.. 2nd time I have lost a game by leaving it but in fact I did not.. Would I abandon a game in the first moves and having more than 80% of time on the clock in a classical game? This tool that gives the player the choice to win the game if the opponent leave the game must bem fixed to recognize wether it's a case of quitting the game or it's only a bad connection case. I'm sick of losing points in such a unfair way.
I suggest that Lichess change the "claim" controls to allow an abort after 2 minutes, and claim a victory/draw after 5 minutes (or something like that).
Then the next one will complain that he has to wait for five minutes until he can claim a win. Easiest way is to fix your connection, in addition you can check for your current ping.
This is a frequent problem, especially with the mobile application. God forbid you check an e-mail or text message. You'll end up marked with an abort or "rage quit" or whatever other arbitrary designation they've concocted, and then banned. These are simple problems that can be fixed. For some reason, Lichess chooses not to.
> For some reason, Lichess chooses not to.

Sorry to burst your conspiracy bubble but we can't fix everything instantly and changes to stuff like this can backfire so is tricky. That doesn't mean it will never change, etc.
#3 my internet is ok, it's the today's storm fault.
Even if my connection wasn't good, it shouldn't be my fault anyway, bad connections lead to lose on time, people would play less in these cases, it's unnecessary to punish twice, that's a big pain to deal the bad connection.

I think the claim victory tool should only work in three conditions:

1) the opponent's last move was a mistake or blunder and he is out for a full minute to the blunder and 2 minutes for mistakes.
2) You have advantage of 3 or more points and the opponent is out for more than 2 minutes.
3) You were losing and your opponent Just left after a sharp raise of you (the game is equal or someone got a little advantage but the opponent wrongly evaluated the position or rage quitted)

And as #2 said, the abort game option could work in any case after 2 minutes.
Please keep in mind that the disconnected one is losing precious time, he's being punished already.
His opponent could be playing I know, he's having to wait, maybe it's the case the opponent Just left.. well, you gonna win the game anyway.

I never said anything about a conspiracy. General lack of attentiveness, complacency, and negligence are sufficient explanations.

In my opinion, many of these issues can be resolved with sufficient filters that increase a player's choices with respect to game settings. For example, permitting one to choose whether claiming a win is an option in one's games.
@Cagey "General lack of attentiveness, complacency, and negligence are sufficient explanations" - I would have nothing to say if you were a paying customer but you're enjoying this site for free so I suggest that you keep that self-entitled attitude to yourself. I think the developers are doing a fantastic job, no other site offers as many resources for free and here you are whining about their inefficiency. If you really have to check an important email/text, is it so important to not lose that game? You could have just informed your opponent and left. On the other hand if that email/text ain't important, why the need to quit the game right away? Also, "permitting one to choose whether claiming a win is an option in one's games" is a ludicrous idea. I could just leave all my 30 min games and no one could claim a win until time runs out - how would you feel if you were on the other side? This just perpetuates bad behaviour even further.

@josevitor91 It's difficult to implement such measures because there are just too many filters to apply. Also, it's hard to draw the line between a rage quit and a bad connection, who knows really?
It will definitely lead to more questioning and more headaches for the developers. Losing once in a blue moon to bad connection is nothing to me, ratings are virtual and you don't become weaker or something. I agree it's frustrating but perhaps it's better to just take it in our stride. It's not fair either to penalise people with excellent connection and make them wait. To be fair, you could be a good sport by not clicking the win option right away when the position is equal and the guy left, it might not happen to you but others will greatly appreciate the gesture.
For #6's suggestion to work, there would have to be an instance of Stockfish monitoring each and every game being played. That's a lot of computing time and power, very impractical.
#9 I agree, and using engines to justify results is controversial at best.

#3 But consider this game and other classical games decided in the opening? I wonder, maybe simply enabling the abort button would be useful...

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