
Search "user:SpeedyChess2014"

7 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Mastering the Art of Chess: Strategies and Insights#2

Very nice. Contains a lot of info

Community Blog Discussions - The Ono Gambit#39

@BlueJayChess39 said in #33: > I used this in an actual tournament, just put my opponent in a coma for a month... > and won on time. > > W opening Bruh though. How can you play the Ono Gambit in liche…

Lichess Feedback - Timeout while clock is ticking for the opponent in a winning position, the loss of rating points#8

The same happened to me. I was playing bullet. My opponents time ran out and I wasn't disconnected at all. I just lost 16 points. It's unfair to the person who is waiting. Please fix this issue ASAP.

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