
Search "user:Sinboy"

6 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - How Do You Stop Caring About Rating?#27

I don't fully understand the third point, "Improve your curiosity in chess". Can anyone please expound on what that means and how to do it?

Lichess Feedback - Searching your games by openings#12

Thank you for the solutions! This will help in the meantime.

Lichess Feedback - Searching your games by openings#5

Control F where? And how exactly do you type the name of the opening?

Lichess Feedback - Searching your games by openings#3

I was trying to do this a year ago and year before that too! Why is this still not a thing???

Lichess Feedback - Searching your games by openings#2

Why is this still not a thing? It's frustrating as hell trying to find certain openings but having to scroll through all of them!

Lichess Feedback - Garbage Puzzle rating system#1

Why is it that a puzzle rated 2381 removes 20 points from me when I'm 2376? Worse yet, when I played a move that wasnt losing but just wasnt the best idea?! Reference Puzzle 109462. Someone please tel…
