
Garbage Puzzle rating system

Why is it that a puzzle rated 2381 removes 20 points from me when I'm 2376? Worse yet, when I played a move that wasnt losing but just wasnt the best idea?! Reference Puzzle 109462. Someone please tell me how is that okay!
Don't worry about lost rating points. Puzzle rating points are not important.

It is only important to understand why you didn't find the correct solution of the puzzle.

I am pretty sure that you played the following line.
1. Bd4 (It guess that it took you a few minutes to figure out this move and the idea behind it) Qh4

2. e5 (I am pretty sure that you played this move within a few seconds, because this was your original plan)
Failure !! Damn. -20 rating points.

3. Then you found out that the second move e5 still leads to an advantage for white ! I am pretty sure that you never planned to play this second best line. Am I correct ?

Winning an exchange is very often not the best plan, if your opponent gets some kind of compensation (1 pawn)

4. It is very often not the best idea to play your planned continuation (e5) without thinking twice.
After each move there is a new puzzle on the board. Stop and think twice. Don't play impulsive moves.
There was clearly a better option for white on move 2. I am pretty sure that you would have seen it, if the puzzle had started at this position.

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